Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday November 28, 2012

Got Dunkin Donuts for work. had a coffee and a donut.
Lunch I had leftovers side salad with alfredo.
Got home got ready for the hockey game.
Ate a appetizer at Buffalo Wild Wings
Got a pretzel at the game.
Went to mcdonalds afterwards and got some food.
spicy chicken sandwich didnt eat the bread or the fries I got. And split the three cookies I had with Daniel and Marty.
Went to bed.

Tuesday November 27, 2012

Monday Morning:
Breakfast I had Dunkin Donuts smoked sausage sandwich
Lunch I had shepards pie I made the night before
Got home and Daniel cooked us dinner burgers with sweet potato fries
Watched Arthur Christmas Horrible!
Made alfredo for daniels work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday November 26, 2012

Monday Morning
Breakfast I had a small amount of homemade stuffing with two over easy eggs, ate the eggs and some of the stuffing. Got a large coffee from mcdonalds.
Got to work and had a small snack multi-grain english muffin and pumpkin spice butter.
For lunch I had my leftover collard greens and baked wings.
Snack Layne had given me his crawfish from popeyes which were really good!
Left work picked up mom, went home and made a shepards pie out of the leftover turkey and mashed potatoes. It turned out really good. I was going to go to the gym, but instead I needed to clean the downstairs bathroom, vacuum, my stairs, start a thing of laundry. Ate dinner and shopped online a little bit.
Went to bed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday November 25, 2012

Weigh-in 281.6 I gained 2.4 over two weeks it was thanksgiving! I always gain around that holiday!
Breakfast: I had wawa veggie burrito. so good with pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin spice latte!
Afterwards I decided to clean deep clean and replace the outlet covers
I vacuumed and dusted fixed the bed
Went grocery shopping
Made buffalo chicken dip,
baked wings and french fries yum!
And had myself a small slice of pumpkin pie :)

Saturday November 24, 2012

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone once again.
I prepared for it. As far as making sure we had everything we needed to make the feast.
I also tried to get in some walking done.
I did on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. But I wasn't feeling well the last couple of days. Been having gas problems. so I did not take BJ on thursday or yesterday
Thanksgiving was nice we ate some good food, and the turkey turned out well. And all the sides were good except the brussels and corn pudding all well!
We ate good than played uno for hours while watching football!
It was a great time and Daniel even came home early!
We all played uno and had a good time!
Than we went out shopping for black friday
That was a complete bust we only got stuff from moviestop! Than I went shopping online at Kohls got that stuff and went to bed.
Still wasn't feeling well.
Friday I woke up feeling a little bit better.
Slept most of the night
Marty went out and got us all breakfast, sonic burritos
So I had coffee and a burrito I know I'm totally being bad!
Than I went out shopping with mom to big lots, cvs, haynes, five below and panera for lunch. Where I had mac and cheese with a chicken caesar salad which was bad again.
I got home and decided to wrap the kids gifts and make there fleece blankets which turned out really well!
Had some dinner and finished up my stuff.
Went to bed
Woke up around 6:30 am
Went shopping at walmart for work.
Met Naysim for coffee at Starbucks
Got a skinny peppermint mocha and had myself a 100 calorie english muffin with some pumpkin spice butter.
For breakfast I had a multi-grain english muffin with pumpkin spice butter.
For Lunch I had leftovers of thanksgiving stuffing, mashed potatoes and some carrot souffle
I got off work picked up the kids took them to mcdonalds and got them dinner. Went to kohls and got them a couple of items.
Later I got home and I still wasn't feel well.
I ate a pizza and went to bed!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tuesday November 13, 2012

woke up around 6:30 took a shower had a cup of coffee.
Took bj to petsmart hoping and praying he does well there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday November 12, 2012

Monday Morning
Weigh-in 279.2!
And I thought I was going to gain
Breakfast: Crueller with pumpkin spice coffee!! yum
Snack I had a string cheese and some nuts
Lunch: Kielbasa and rice a roni that Daniel had made for me. with a side salad that had cranberries and almonds on it with a raspberry vinagrette. sugar free jello
Snack: mcdonalds 4 piece mcnugget
Got home for dinner we had a quesdilla with chips and salsa
I got our sheets in the wash and my mini fridge outside to defrost
Decorated the house and put all the boxes away
Steelers won! so it was a good night!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday November 11, 2012

Sunday Morning
Did not sleep well all night.
Cried most of the night and was up from like 6 am
Daniel and I talked he didn't sleep at all during the night
Just a bad night
Breakfast didn't happen till noon
I had leftovers of cracker barrel french toast with eggs had plenty of coffee
Brought in all the christmas decorations.
Marty made me and himself some lunch pizza
Worked some more on the decorations
I laid down once more around 3 for an hour. Finally woke me up.
I looked at the ads with some cereal.
Daniel came home we talked for a little bit.
I watched my movie the other woman which wasn't bad
Made some dinner. Cooked chorizo with stewed tomatoes and some alfredo sauce and tossed all that with some spaghetti it was yummy!
Snacked on some sushi later
Went to bed!

Saturday November 10, 2012

Morning I had coffee with almond joy cream it was really good!
Went grocery shopping at walmart for work
Got to work and didn't get hungry till about 10am had part of a martins roll with butter
For lunch I had leftovers of homemade alfredo with pasta and some shrimp.
I fear tomorrow when I weigh in that its going to be horrible I went out last saturday and sunday
Monday I did okay
Tuesday I went out that morning and night because of the election wait
Wednesday I went out to Arbys for lunch!
Thursday I went to Taco Bell for dinner with daniel.
Friday I went to panera bread with mom for lunch.
Just a bad week! I fear I will gain. My period was tough this month!
Dinner was at the Toby Keith Restaurant had the buffalo chicken sandwich w/french fries. Had a couple of beers with Joshua. Than went to Luckies and PBR. It was okay till I got home. Daniel was packing all of his stuff and was leaving We got in a huge fight and he ended up staying the night.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday November 9, 2012

Friday Morning
Coffee from Mcdonalds and a banana
Took mom to her doctors appt that went well
For lunch we had panera I got the tomato soup because I haven't had it in years!!!!
And half of a turkey cranberry panini.
After that I worked on the laundry, cleaned the downstairs bathroom and took bj for a walk
After that Daniel and I went to the dollar tree and kroger. Got stuff to make for dinner homemade alfredo
And got the rest of the stuff for Rosa's birthday
Got home and made dinner
Than later ran out shopping
Got the kids there fleece fabric to make them blankets.
ABC store for pumpkin pie flavored vodka
Got Kathryn a birthday present
Went home, took a shower and went to bed!

Thursday November 8, 2012

Thursday Morning
Coffee with a crueller and for a snack string cheese
Lunch I had brought a side salad with almonds and cranberries and a homemade blue cheese dressing with some white rice and hamburger stew over it.
Dinner Daniel and I ended up going to Taco Bell I got the chalupa and crunchy taco. it was alright nothing grand.
Went home and relaxed.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday November 7, 2012

Breakfast I had a fiber one caramel bar with coffee
And string cheese for a snack.
Lunch I had Arbys Beef and Cheddar Sandwich with a small curly fries.
Snack I don't think I had anything
Dinner I had a toasted english muffin, two eggs, bacon, cheese and sausage gravy.
Ate that than headed to the gym for a cooking demo that never happened which I had expected already.
I went on the treadmill and did one mile in 16:52 I wasn't too happy with that time. So I took a break and did it again and I completed one mile in 16:00 which shredded 52 seconds off! I think my attempt with the christmas town dash is to walk the first ten miles and than run and walk every other minute.
I than signed up for a cooking demo for friday at 7. Will see how that goes.
I got home and had a little bite to eat, took a bath and headed to bed!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday November 6, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Breakfast I had chickfila bacon egg cheese biscuit with hash browns. And coffee.
Snack I don't think I really had anything
For lunch I had some white rice with some black bean stew.
No snack
Went to the polls to vote after work and waited close to 2 hours.
Got home and ate some wendys
Watch tv most of the night

Monday November 5, 2012

Monday Morning
Breakfast Coffee and a Chewy Bar
Lunch I had vegetable soup with some ritz crackers.
Snack I think I had some chex mix
Dinner came home to a sausage dinner mom had made it was yummy
did not get to work out that night
instead I cleaned up the kitchen.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday November 4, 2012

Morning: Woke up and had a slice of cinnamon raisin pumpkin spice bread toasted with pumpkin butter.
Put together my dad's pot roast
Lunch I ate late was around 2 and I had pizza
I worked on my storage room for the afternoon
Was a little depressed in the morning Me and Daniel just haven't gotten along lately.
So I figure if I work on stuff it would get my mind off of it.
And it did till he got home, we worked together and went to dinner.
We went to five below first for the kids
Than to Olive Garden for dinner which was good
Than to Walmart for a hoodie he wanted.
Got home
Chilled out and went to bed

Saturday November 3, 2012

Morning Breakfast: Eggs, bacon and a crueller with coffee.
Lunch I brought some leftovers of vegetable soup.
Dinner: I went out with Joshua to Plaza and ordered the Enchilada Chiptole with a jumbo frozen margarita. It was delicious!
Got home watched a movie
Ate a whoopie pie and fell asleep

Friday November 2, 2012

Had some coffee, banana and an apple for breakfast.
Got to work later on after shopping for work.
Getting the stuff for the weekend, and such.
For lunch I had Mcdonalds Quarter pounder with cheese and french fries.
I worked till about 3 that day.
Got home and cooked up a big batch of vegetable soup
Finished the laundry
and cleaned up the kitchen for the holidays
I had the soup for dinner and it was really good.

November 1, 2012

Thursday November 1st!
Breakfast I had a nature valley protein bar yum!
Took my meds
Snack: chex mix
Lunch I packed some leftovers of hot wings and salad had a little bit of ham and a dinner roll.
I left work not feeling well, So I got home and laid down watched a movie and I really cannot remember the last time I did that.
So after that I went out for dinner and got some fried rice and lo mein. It was okay but nothing great. Really wish there were good chinese restaurants around here.
Worked on the bike for 30 minutes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wednesday October 31, 2012

Went to the doctors office was not feeling well have a UTI
For breakfast I had a kind bar it was good
Lunch we had a pot luck so much food and so good!
Had everything from ham to a broccoli salad 'So much!
Met mom at Cracker Barrel for dinner I wasn't even hungry but I still ate
So I ordered the grilled spicy fish with a baked potato, fried okra and green beans
it was delicious
Got my hair done and it looks great!
Went to see Daniel
Got home and chilled
Cooked him some dinner, and a little snack for me
Went to bed!

Tuesday October 30, 2012

Morning for breakfast I had mcdonalds chicken biscuit, minus the biscuit and hashbrowns.
Snacked on some nuts.
Lunch probably just crackers and tuna salad.
Went to mcdonalds and got a happy meal mcnuggets
Dinner we had chicken noodle soup since I was not feeling well.
I baked a cake and made some cheese dip
Did the bike for 30 minutes
Went to bed.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday October 29, 2012

No power, off to 7-11 for coffee!
Got coffee and took mom to work, than breakfast with dad at ihop.
Breakfast: I had 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 pancakes with sugar free syrup and hashbrowns.
Went shopping at walmart, kmart and kroger.
Got home and still had a peeing problem.
Freaking out thinking its diabetes!
Lunch I had some spring mix lettuce, 1/4 cup of homemade tuna salad and some blue cheese dressing.
Snacked on some shrimp with cocktail sauce,
Dinner I made some eggs scrambled with a hotdog and had some grapes
I went to see Daniel that night
Had a small slice of supreme pizza.
Home and fell asleep I did not have much of a problem with peeing during the night like I am now

Sunday October 28, 2012

Breakfast I had made some pumpkin pancakes. with sugar free syrup with some scrambled eggs and sausage.
Lunch I had a salad with some berries and a honey mustard dressing
For dinner I had cooked some crescent mummy dogs
Had a couple drumsticks, side salad some hot wings and homemade dips
That night I went to the bathroom alot and alot yesterday, more than normal. I think I might have a UTI

Saturday October 27, 2012

Gosh I woke up looking like death!
And I woke up hungry as shit
So I straightened my hair had a cup of coffee
Went to wendys and got myself a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit.
Lunch I had a side salad with a bbq sandwich very little coleslaw and baked beans.
Snacked later on some more bbq and baked beans in a small cup.
Got home and for dinner I had some chicken, rice and beans from the greek festival.
Stayed home because the hurricane was coming I watched halloween movies with Joshua.
snacked on some popcorn and a homemade chocolate chip cookie my mom had made.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

Slept till about 8
Woke up in a great way ;)
Had coffee and a crueller.
Went to sams and walmart and got the grocery shopping done
Got hungry so I went to walmart and had some pumpkin pancakes with two eggs, two slices of bacon and hash browns they were delicious
Got home and unpacked my car
Went back out so I could pay my kohls and lanebryant credit card
Got back home and made my crescent mummy dogs!
They were a hit!
Dinner I had been cooking a pot roast all day in a crockpot, we ate that with rice, butternut squash, gravy.
Went to the halloween party and had some beer with food
And I wore my old capris haven't wore them in years! felt good!

Thursday October 25, 2012

I had coffee and a crueller
Stopped by mcdonalds and got a medium coffee with a breakfast sausage burrito.
Lunch I had special k protein plus cereal with skim milk and cranberries. yum!
Little debbie fall cake had one part of it.
Snack I had a hot dog half bun
Dinner mom made rice, chicken and green beans.
I cleaned tonight
Washed the sheets, did a couple loads of laundry, vacuumed the stairs and floor.
Did a few things
Daniel and I got in a fight
Bad night.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday October 24, 2012

I had the new special K protein plus cereal 1 cup with 3/4 cup of whole milk.
Lunch I had some left over spicy california roll side salad a couple chicken nuggets.
Dinner was eggs, bacon, french toast with sugar free syrup
Gym for an exercise lecture
spoke about cardio and strength training
how you could do 10 mins of cardo and 10 mins of strength training and just alternate and doing something different each time. Change up the workout so your muscles do not get bored.
Try a different class.
Do what is best for you, no one else should matter.
After the lecture I went to the pool and swam for about 30 minutes. Just laps back and forth it was a good workout def missed it
got home and was just craving food

Tuesday Ocotber 23, 2012

Breakfast I made eggs and bacon with coffee this morning
Got pumpkin spice latte 2 pumps in it instead of 4
Lunch I had salad, nuggets and some unos pizza
Dinner I had some vegetable pasta with cream of spinach.
I met with Joshua later and had a skinny vanilla latte and ho hos for dessert.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday October 22, 2012

Woke up around 7 am
Made coffee and baked some bacon.
Had coffee, bacon and eggs for breakfast
Snacked on some cheese and ritz crackers
lunch I had a side salad with carrots and apples with ranch and a bratwurst. part of a unos pizza
Snacked on nuts most of the day
Dinner was crab cakes
Walked bj for about 30 minutes
Marty bought me spicy california roll I had 4 pieces and went to bed
I also snacked on some doritos and a carrot with some juice

Sunday October 21, 2012

Morning Weigh in 281.2 lost 2.4!
Hungover is the only word to use!
Breakfast I had coffee and a krispy kreme donut!
Lunch I snacked on rice with chicken pot pie filling, cheese dip. Pancake and egg marty made me, with sugar free syrup.
I was so hungover I couldn't sleep, but I did clean quite a bit
Dinner we went to UNO'S
Had bonesless wings a blue moon beer
Individual pizza with cheese, tomato and sausage
Watched halloween wars and some more food shows
Bed aorund 930

Saturday October 20, 2012

Morning: coffee, chickfila bacon egg and cheese biscuit, fruit cup instead of hashbrowns, coffee with cream and splenda.
Lunch I had a bratwurst on a hotdog bun and a side salad.
Dinner I didn't really have dinner I skipped that because I knew I would eat enough at the party!
The halloween party was so much fun! I'm really glad I went
It is always a good time!
I had beer, shots and good food

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday October 19, 2012

Woke up around 930
Made some coffee, straightened my hair had a crueller for breakfast
Took mom to lunch, at baileys
we had cheese sticks, fish and chips with coleslaw
the fish was really good didn't really eat my french fries, but I did enjoy the coleslaw.
I than went to Goodwill and donated clothes
My car jerked for a little bit
So it broke down again
I stayed with Dannelle for a few hours that was nice
Got my car fixed by bobby that took a couple of hours
Went to walmart, got a few things
Than made alfredo for daniel
Went to bed around 10:30

Thursday October 18, 2012

Breakfast homemade pumpkin bread with coffee.
Lunch I had whataburger Ronnie treated me out
For Dinner I had rice and chicken pot pie filling
I had the SCV Meeting at 7
Got home and relaxed my knee was really aggravating me

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday October 17, 2012

Breakfast: apple, cheese, crackers, peanut butter.
Snack I had some crackers
Lunch I was supposed to have what I packed but instead I went to Wendy's and got an Asiago chicken spicy sandwich with a small french fries
Dinner was rice and chicken pot pie filling
Made some killer pumpkin bread
Worked out on the Wii sports and strength training

Tuesday October 16, 2012

Coffee time!
Mcdonalds large coffee sausage burrito and half of a hash brown \
Snack mcdonalds 4 piece mcnuggets
Lunch Side salad with almonds and beets with ranch dressing
chicken tenders
sugar free jello
dinner last night was lasagna with green beans
went to the gym for 45 mins and did cardio and strength training
ate some popcorn, sausage in bread
rough night
can't seem to get my motivation back!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday October 15, 2012

Monday Morning!
Enough said
Coffee time
Breakfast was coffee and a pure protein bar
Snack I had some cheese
Lunch I had progressive soup, half of a bavarian pretzel roll
fiber one brownie
for snack I had a nature valley protein bar it was good
Got home and we had chicken tenders, scalloped potatoes, and a vegetarian dish
Marty made homemade chocolate chip cookies I had 2
I was snacking a little bit yesterday, bored!

Sunday October 14, 2012

Mcdonalds coffee large, egg mcmuffin and hash brown
Movie Taken 2 movie popcorn
home had the rest of my linguine shrimp alfredo and a biscuit
worked on the garage for a couple of hours.
Made myself a burrito, two eggs, string cheese, ham and jalapenos it was yummy
After working on the garage I got ready for busch
Dinner we had tostinos pizza
Got to busch and walked around for a couple hours
Had a waffle cone of soft serve ice cream

October 13,2 012

Morning: Crueller with coffee, string cheese for a snack
Lunch side salad with grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, mccormick salad toppings, ranch dressing, with pork chop rice and squash
Dinner we had hamburgers and hot dogs.
Had a couple glasses of wine that night and went to bed early

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 12, 2012

Morning Coffee, eggs, bacon, english muffin with pumpkin butter and some banana slices
Laundry started, squash in the oven
Lunch Red Lobster had the all you can eat shrimp with baked potato, butter & sour cream on the side. parmesan shrimp, hand breaded shrimp, biscuit
Ordered the shrimp linguine ate a small amount.
I did eat alot of food for lunch,
Got home and had to call Bobby about parts for my car. Got 3 pieces for my car, hopefully with fingers crossed Bobby will fix my car sunday
Dinner: was pork loin roasted, squash, rice a roni broccoli au gratin.
Had some white wine two glasses, and some pineapple upside down cake.
Watched a horrible movie What to expect when your expecting
Went to bed at 9

October 11, 2012

Morning Breakfast was chickfila biscuit and hash browns
Lunch I had the vegetable chili and cornbread
For dinner we made tuna helper with carrots
Took bj for a 30 minute walk and went to the gym for about 45 mins it was a good workout! Felt challenged and energized we did weights, squats, elliptical for 10 mins.
Good Stuff!

October 10, 2012

Morning: Breakfast was total whole grain cereal with milk and banana
Lunch I had a side salad from mcdonalds, chili and cornbread
Dinner was baked fried chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese with green beans.
Bad day because of the kids.
Gym for 30 mins on the elliptical

October 9, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Coffee, total whole grain cereal, 1 cup of milk and half of a banana.
Snack: Sargento cheese
Lunch: Spaghetti squash, spaghetti sauce with parmesan cheese. A side salad with pomegranate dressing. Fiber one bar.
After work I went to Walmart to pick up things for Daniel and managed to lose his food stamps card.
After that we had chili for dinner with homemade cornbread.
Did not make it to the gym that night
Cooked chicken for the night after

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 4th- 8th, 2012

Morning: making coffee, coffecake.
First stop on the road to PA was Mcdonalds got a sausage burrito & a hash brown.
Lunch was KFC chicken breast, green beans, mac and cheese with a biscuit butter and strawberry jam.
Drove continously
Stopped to the farmers market
Got candy, avon, whoopie pies, and spices
Went to the restaurant store and got a big pastry bag.
Dinner at a Mexican Restaurant on the border
Had a margarita just one
Chips and Queso
Mini Tacos chicken with beans, guacomole, rice it was all good but stuffed!
Went more shopping afterward to walk off what we ate.
Got to Susies around 10 and chilled had two beers
Showered and went to bed long day!
Friday Morning
Coopersburg restaurant for brunch
Ordered the Gus's big breakfast
3 eggs
ham, scrapple, bacon and sausage
with wheat toast.
Went shopping with my Aunt Julie. Garden shop, farmers market, john early shop.
Got back to Susie's and got ready for the wedding.
Didn't eat till the reception at 5:30
I had veggies, fried cheese ravioli, philly cheesesteak sticks, shrimp, 5 glasses of wine, 1 roll, dinner was filet mignon, mashed potatoes and broccoli. dessert was candy and wedding cake.
Got home showered and fell asleep!
Woke up early again!
Dunkin Donuts coffee
Brunch was an egg sandwich with sausage
Went to Patties and Chucks house
We had a cookout of dips, italian dishes, sausage, salad gourmet of food that totally tore up my tummy!
It was good food
Got back to the house around 7 I think to watch a game. Snacked on some candy went to be around 9 ish
Ate alot of food that day!
Sunday woke up around 6 took a shower packed up the car
Went to Mary Anns for donuts
Sat down had a cup of coffe with two donuts
Got to Starbucks and ordered a venti pumpkin spice latte with just one pump.
Wegmans for bagels and strawberries for mom
On the road to philly for lunch had one philly cheesesteak they were delicious!!
Driving went on and I snacked on some doritos
Stopped at Sheetz for gas and a hot dog
Got my mom a hotdog and myself one
Got home around 7pm and chilled out had some pasta and spaghetti sauce
Long Ass Day!
Took a shower and fell asleep
Woke up to Daniel.
Monday Morning slept in till 10:30 Coffee
Lunch with the Bro and Dad had sushi, hibachi, little bit of green beans, steamed dumplin, marshmallow, strawberry, macaroon dipped in chocolate one puffed pastry
Than worked on my room finally! cleaned it orangized it Devil Dog
Went grocery shopping with Daniel.
Got home and had some breakfast for dinner 2 sausage links, hashbrown patty, buttermilk biscuit, eggs, spam it was yummy. Fell asleep shortly before 8 with daniel and work up to watch the jeff dunham halloween show. While eating pasta with pasta sauce. Went to bed shortly after that.

October 3, 2012

Morning: Chickfila for lunch hash browns, chicken from biscuit no biscuit. coffee
helped dad with his car, helped him get moms camboot
lunch I had subway whole wheat. buffalo chicken. pepper jack. lettuce. tomatoes. pickles. cucumbers. sweet peppers. light ranch. salt & pepper. oregano. good lunch had half of my footlong.
Dinner was taco bell and pizza
packing and bed!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 2, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Woke up to breakfast in bed
eggs, bacon and biscuits with coffee
Lunch I had KFC bad bad drumstick, thigh, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy with a biscuit.
Dinner we baked french loaf, tuna salad and sliced some tomato.
Gym for a good hour doing Lose to WIn for 45 minutes and 15 minutes on the treadmill. Completed my first challenge and weighed in gaining 1 pound. Getting my period.
Got home and snacked on some grapes, bananas and some peanut butter. Fell asleep close to 10  woke and spent some time with daniel.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1, 2012

Monday Morning
Weigh-in 284! 5lb weight gain
Breakfast I had eggs, 1 slice of bacon, cheese and a croissant
Lunch I had a bagel sandwich, no sugar added peaches and a sugar free chocolate pudding.
Dinner I cooked tilapia, rice a roni and some vegetables
it was delicious
feeling bloaded getting my period maybe thats why I gained so much, or the simple fact we went out a lot last week.
I went grocery shopping for mom, and got some fruits, and some things for the house we needed
I went to sleep for a little bit
Got up and snacked on doritos and made a bowl of sugar free butter pecan ice cream
Bed! afterwards

September 30, 2012

Sunday Morning
Coffee and the paper
Wal-mart shopping
Car wouldn't start great
Finally it did and got it home safely
Lunch was pizza and a biscuit sorda hungry
snickers mini
half of a brownie and some milk
took a nap
and worked on the garage for a couple of hours
Dinner was a vegetarian chili, squash baked.
chicken noodle soup
chocolate ice cream bar
Now I am still tired

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 29, 2012

Breakfast: coffee and a pure protein bar
Snack: Almonds
Lunch I had a nathans hotdog two on one bun.
Snack tootsie rolls
Dinner Homemade Chicken Noodle soup
No sugar added cheesecake

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 28, 2012

coffee!! free coffee at 7-11 and at home
Moms doctors appt went really well
breakfast: ihop!
pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs, bacon, deliciousness!
Gym and worked out with some nice ladies for 50 minutes
Got home and ate a green apple and a pure protein bar
Drank Some Water
Got ready to see the kids
Took them to get ice cream from the ice cream truck, dollar deals, chickfila and target
Ice cream eclair
chick fil a dinner strips and fries
spent a little too much money on the kids but they deserved it.
There good kids
Got home and was exhausted
Went out for Mandys birthday bought her a drink got home a little after 1
Bed sleep

Friday, September 28, 2012

September 27, 2012

Breakfast I had a big bowl of cereal with milk.
Lunch I had a pumpernickel bagel with bologna and cheese, fruit cup no sugar added and a 90 calorie fiber one brownie.
Dinner I had a vegetarian chili with cornbread
Did the laundry, cooked french toast, did the dishes
Gym: TRX for about 30 minutes
Shower and bed @!

September 26, 2012

Morning breakfast eggs, bacon and cheese bad morning spilled coffee all over my front seat.
Lunch I had chicken soup campbells with salad
Snacked on some pistachios
We picked up the kids and took them to look for halloween costumes, and to dinner at golden corral.
Than my car broke down.
Oh fun with the kids
Bobby and Daniel fixed my car
Got home late
Never got to the gym!

September 25, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Not a good morning didn't sleep well, bj got on my nerves, well pretty much everyone got on my nerves this morning.
Breakfast I was bad and had dunkin donuts big and toasty but did not eat the bread. I ate the two eggs, bacon and hash browns. with a medium coffee cream and splenda.
Snack: pistachios and a green apple.
Lunch: romaine lettuce with grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, mccormick toppings and light raspberry vinagrette. bologna sandwich and part of a pepperoni pizza.
Dinner Daniel and I went Cracker Barrel for dinner
I had breakfast the sunrise sampler
I ate the hashbrowns, eggs, bacon, ham, sausage one biscuit and gravy. bringing the grits and apples home.
We also went to walmart to look for stuff for the kids.
Gym for 30 minutes elliptical training

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 24, 2012

Weigh-in: 279 so I am 8 pounds lighter from my last period.
Breakfast coffee and mcdonalds egg mcmuffin half muffin and no hashbrown. I dont know what it is these days but I'm not in the mood for potatoes. I don't even like french fries much these days.
Lunch I had a campbells chicken noodle (whole grain pasta) soup with a side salad, carrots, grape tomatoes and mccormick toppings. light raspberry dressing.
trying to keep it light since I have a weigh in tonight.
Snacked on some pistachios before I left work
Went and got mom from work
Got home and changed for the gym
I weighed in there and to them I lost 2lbs!
I did the elliptical for 30 mins
Got home and ate dinner had mashed potatoes, kielbasa with curry sauce.
I had a sugar free chocolate cookie.
Pumpkin spice tea and bed!

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 23, 2012

Sunday Morning
Slept in till 8
Made coffee and had a crueller
Took mom to her hair appt.
Got some starbucks, pumpkin spice latte with only 2 pumps of pumkin puree hoping it would lower the sugar content.
Went grocery shopping at kroger and walmart.
Got alot of stuff to cook
I cooked chili, meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinners this week.
Took 5 hours to cook all that food.
Snacked on some pita chips and hummus and a small bowl of chili and spicy cornbread.
Really spicy

September 22, 2012

Breakfast: went to hardees and got the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit.
Lunch were leftovers from the night before cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce, but when I microwaved it all I could see was the butter. So I only ate a little bit of it and the salad I brought.
Dinner that night was curry with sausage, rice and beans it was good.
Took a walk that night didn't go out trying to save some money.

September 16-23rd, 2012

Sunday workout: 3 hours of walking at Busch.
Monday: Lose to win 2 hours at the gym did the elliptical and strength training
Tuesday: Lose to win 7-7:45
Wednesday: Day off
Thursday: Elliptical for 30 mins.
Friday: Walk for 33 mins.
Saturday : Walk for 30 mins
Six days of cardio workout hoping I can lose on monday or I am going to go insane!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 21, 2012

Woke up at 8am made some coffee
Met up with Dannelle we went to Target got starbucks coffee, skinny vanilla latte.
went to the hibachi with sushi.
Had a few pieces of sushi, baked sausage, fried zucchini, dessert macaroons, fried donut. didn't really eat much.
Left to go home and spend some quality time with daniel that we needed!
Snuggled for three hours snacked on some doritos and fell asleep!
it was a great day
Dinner was vinnys cheese tortellini with an alfredo sauce carrots and pepper with a house salad and a vinagrette. yum!
Made some new cupcakes tonight the moistness is better
took a walk for about 30 mins
Was craving something to eat so I snacked on some wontons and some spaghetti leftover. was hungry.

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 20, 2012

Breakfast: 3 eggs and an english muffin with coffee
Lunch: picked up a kids meal from mcdonalds, chicken nuggets. Salad with homemade chicken nuggets, tomato, mccormick toppings, carrot shredds, fat free string cheese and light ranch dressing. Fiber one 90 calorie brownie.
Coffee: starbucks cinnamon dolce latte, cinnamon coffee cake saved for later (maybe breakfast tomorrow with my coffee! )
I worked till 8 for the SCV Meeting
Went to the gym for a little bit just wanted to get in a 30 min workout!
I did I completed 2.45 miles, 356 calories burned in 30 min!
Went and got chinese for dinner

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 19, 2012

Morning had a couple of eggs for breakfast and some toasted bread.
Lunch I had subway cold cut trio the rest of it from monday night with celery, peanut butter and cranberries. Grapes with cheese.
Dinner was homemade chicken nuggets, fried shrimp and sweet potato tots.
Saw the movie Finding Nemo 3d had movie popcorn it was a fun night!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 18, 2012

coffee, mozzarella string cheese and a green apple.
Lunch I had taco bell with Daniel. I had a doritos taco, soft taco and part of a fresco chicken burrito. and a fiber one brownie peanut butter.
Dinner we had turkey loin with sweet potato, greens beans cooked with eggs.
Gym: Lose to Win for 40 minutes it was good!
Home to make Daniel some mac and cheese, I had a little than we had some cupcakes. I only had one shared the rest with bj.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday September 17, 2012 Start of Lose to Win!

Coffee and a donut
peanut butter crackers
bagel with cold cuts, cheese and peppers with butter toasted
with some mozzarella string cheese and kelloggs with cracker chips cheddar
I went to the gym to sign up for Lose to Win
Went to the meeting
weighed in at 286!
which means I have gained 10lbs since the spring lose to win!
worked out did some strength training and cardio elliptical
Calorie intake today: 1436
I did have a oreo mcflurry and it was delicious!

Sunday September 16, 2012

Coffee with fruit: grapes and raspberries
later on I had a bowl of cereal
Took the boys to lunch and sam's club
We had chinese buffet where I didn't think I did that bad I ate sushi, veggies, little protein and dessert.
Snack: 90 fiber one brownie
Later on I went to Busch Gardens
For dinner we had the smoke house. I had the sampler, 2 pieces of brisket, 2 ribs, 1/4 chicken, waffle fries and a dinner roll. Yum!
Went on a few rides couldn't fit on alpengeist which pissed me off!
Gotta loose weight but we walked for 3 hours and my thighs were killing me during the night

Saturday September 15, 2012

Made a cup of coffee had a small slice of a donut
Went to wendys to get some coffee and something to eat delicious!
Snacked on a fat free string cheese
Lunch I had mac and cheese with my cauliflower pizza
Left work around 3 for Christopher's party
We had hotdogs and hamburgers with cupcakes I brought
I had a hotdog and hamburger for dinner
Got home and cleaned up my room exchanging my clothes!
Cooked some dinner for Daniel Shrimp, Kelbasa with scalloped potatoes

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday September 14, 2012

Had coffee and cooked homemade donuts! that was topped with splenda, brown sugar splenda and cinnamon or sugar free chocolate syrup!
Lunch I had my cauliflower pizza with mac and cheese with a fudge pop.
Dinner I had eggplant with turkey meatballs and a little bit of spaghetti.
I pretty much had a lazy and snack kind of day
Snack: Fritos
Went clothes shopping at Torrid and got two new pairs of jeans! Thank God!
Got other things too but I needed jeans!
Got home and settled down
Cooked Daniel some dinner.
Went to bed!

September 13, 2012

Woke up a little after 6am had some coffee and Marty was up making pancakes. he made small pancakes with blueberries there were delicious!
Lunch I had a chicken filet sandwich from Tony's Steakhouse
Took BJ for a walk that night it was good weather
Dinner I had sushi with Marty and Anthony

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 12, 2012

Coffee time with an egg muffin
Took mom to work
My pants werent loose today fuck!
Breakfast I had mcdonalds sausage burrito with hashbrown.
Large Coffee
I feel like nothing is working!
Frustrated as hell!
Lunch I had some leftovers of eggplant parm with a side salad: tomato, carrots shredded, almonds and light ranch.
Pretty good.
Dinner we had biscuits and gravy, eggs and bacon delicious! I got home and I was completely whipped out! went to bed at 8:30 can't remember the last time I did that!
I woke up and had some milk and a 90 calorie fiber one brownie which was delicious!!!
Got a good nights rest thankfully!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 11, 2012

Made coffee had a egg muffin and a powdered crueller for breakfast yum!
I am snack at 10:28 am on reduced fat cheese and some saltine crackers.
Lunch I have a salad made with carrots and tomato with light ranch dressing. I have been eating a salad pretty much everyday. I am really hoping its making a difference but will see!
Lunch Daniel brought me some taco bell I had a doritos locos taco and a 7-layer burrito which was not what I wanted when I asked for a fresco supreme chicken burrito. but all well.
Snack: cheese and apple.
Dinner: I snacked on some tuna fish salad, croissant and a chicken patti.
Cleaned up quite a bit and did some laundry.
Went to the gym for a good hour. did 10 mins on each elliptical, treadmill and expresso bike. Did some strength training afterwards. overall good workout.
Got home had a protein bar
Cleaned up the kitchen
Finished up the laundry
went to bed.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

This turned out really good!
1 large cauliflower pulsed
microwaved for 8 minutes
1 cup of cooked cauliflower mixed with 1 egg and 1 cup of mozzarella cheese made it into a square on a greased baking pan and baked for 15 minutes at 450 degrees.
Topped it with pizza sauce spinach, aspargus, sausage and more cheese
Put it under the broil for 5 minutes.
Turned out better than I thought! I loved it! Def make it again!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Weigh-in my new scale says I'm 289.6 but the scale I have been using says 286.6 which means I have gained 5lbs, I do have my period so I usually gain around 5lbs of water.
I really think I should go by the one I've been on for a year.
I had coffee and a crueller for breakfast and fed mom as well.
Dropped mom off and went to dunkin donuts needed more coffee and a flatbread for breakfast.
Lunch: I had a small fry from mcdonalds. small side salad with a whole tomato, carrots shredded, mccormick toppings with light ranch dressing. it was delicious! starting to love salads again. Mom also made some tuna fish salad with saltines. Craving salt since I'm on my period.
Dinner: cauliflower crust pizza! it was really good! quite delicious :)
made some egg muffins tonight too for quick breakfasts in the morning
went shopping with daniel and we got mcdonalds for a snack I got a dipped chocolate cone it was pretty amazing.
Got home and cleaned up a bit!
had a snack piece of ezekiel bread with almond butter and sugar free strawberry jam.
pretty good if you ask me!
now i'm ready for bed!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9, 2012

Morning woke up around 8:30
Blood sugar check: 120
Walked BJ for a 35 minutes, blood check afterwards 114
got home finished more coffee
went and got breakfast at bojangles and got a bacon egg and cheese biscuit
Fed mom
than started making my brownies, and cinnamon rolls
the brownies turned out great but the cinnamon rolls did not
all well next time will go better. I hope.
Got all the brownies done. Made a loaf of bread out of cinnamon roll thing. not good.
side salad with carrots tomatoes and mccormick toppings with ranch dressing
dinner was eggplant parm lasagna which was delicious!
i'm hoping that my weigh in tomorrow is good but probably won't be!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8, 2012

Woke up around 7 am checked my blood sugar: 138 not too happy with this number
made my lunch, had a cup of coffee, walked bj for about 27 minutes. Checked my sugar afterwards: 107 much better! at least it went down.
Breakfast: I had a pure protein chocolate peanut butter bar.
Blood Sugar Check: 84 wow thats great!
Snacked on a few mixed nuts
Lunch: I had egg salad on wheat bread, with a side salad with tomatoes, carrots, almond accents and mccormick toppings with ranch dressing.
Sugar check: 111
Snack: I had sugar free jell-o and a sargento reduced fat string cheese.
Got to Bay Days and we had fish tacos. some candied pecans.
Got home and we cooked up some fried rice and dumplins it was good.

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7, 2012

After a night of trying to catch up on all the things I need to get done, Daniel and I got into a fight. i didn't mean to start a fight, just he's always on his phone all the time and it just makes me wonder why?? Anyways we worked it out. But my other worry is me going to the bathroom 2-3 times a night, I used to never do that. I know what it is my pre-diabetes acting up need to get back into working out will join lose to win for sure now!
Morning blood sugar: 118
Breakfast I had bojangles sausage egg and tomato biscuit
went to the gym and worked out for 30 minutes on the elliptical and sweated my ass off!
Got home and walked BJ for 15 minutes.
Afternoon blood sugar: 100
at a pure protein bar and should have just stopped there.
But i had a croissant with turkey and  bacon like a club with sargento cheese
Left to run some errands
Stopped by Dannelle's for coffee and to chit chat.
Left to go to crystals and we all went to vancosta's
got some italian bread, side salad with home dressing
spaghetti with meat sauce
dark chocolate cake half
evening blood sugar: 156
too the kids shopping, than dropped them off
now its bed time

September 6, 2012

Breakfast: Coffee, biscuit with sausage, american cheese, bacon and an egg.
It was simple, good and cheap!
Though I feel like I did not eat alot for lunch the calorie content says otherwise.
Lunch: I had a side salad with mccormick toppings caesar flavored with pecans, feta and caesar dressing. As well as olive garden breadstick, fettucine alfredo with some marnaria was good. but I don't think I am eating good today. Maybe its because I am getting my period. I don't know :(
Dinner I had an omelette 3 eggs with spinach, ham and some sharp cheddar cheese. With one carrot pancake with sugar free syrup.
Did the laundry, cleaned my closet, cleaned my jewelry.
Overall I did what needed to be done.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

June 9th- June 16th 2012

Morning time woke up around 6:30 and cooked breakfast for everyone I made biscuits and gravy not the healthiest thing but I felt like making it so I did and it was pretty darn good I must say!
Stopped by Starbucks today and got a venti iced skinny caramel macchiato and it didn't do justice today for me all well! only had half of it
Lunch I had my leftovers from Olive Garden and it was actually better today than yesterday really enjoyed it. 5 sliced cucumbers didnt feel like eating a salad today :( and the breadstick I only had like half so I guess I did okay today. I think I'm just really craving salty foods because my period is coming.
Small brownie
Almost time to get off work

July 18, 2012

I have come to the realization that I am not on track with my weight loss. I have slipped into a "depression" I guess you would say. I have been in a relationship for about four months now, I feel that this relationship has something to do with it. I have been drinking diet coke, eating doritos, craving sweets, eating over my portions. I can see that I've been eating bad. I've grown tired of lettuce.  So i've been eating tomatoes and cucumbers. I've also been stressed out because at one point I was changing jobs and have been getting hives. Finally went to the doctor for the hives and the doctor gave me a perscription for prednisone. I took it and the hives disappeared. Went on the scale last friday and gained 7lbs! I also got my period that day. So I'm pretty sure it was the period and steriods that made me gain now hopefully I will be able to lose what I gained. Need to get back down to 267.6 and below! I'm mentally frustrated with it. I know I need to start blogging again and tracking what I eat everyday. I'm working on drinking more water. I've also been into running/jogging/walking. I really need to make more time for myself to lose this weight or I will never lose it. Maybe I should focus on losing 10% just not sure how I'm going to do that, maybe go back to the basics? walk for 5 days for 30 minutes. Maybe try a different lettuce? Butter lettuce, boston lettuce? Edamame? Beets? Endive?

Avocado dress:
1 cup of avocado
1 garlic clove
1 cup of fat free yogurt/ greek yogurt
fresh herbs

Maybe getting some romaine lettuce to grill....


I have become fascinated with salads since I've really started losing weight. BLT Salads
Greek Salads
Cobb Salads
Tuna Salads
Southwest Salads
Chicken Salads
Fruit Salads
All kinds of salads

Honey Mustard
Chiptole Ranch
Balsamic Vinagrette

Activ Trax

Date: 8.15.12
Goal: Lose 20lbs by Thanksgiving! Little over 3months need to lose about 6-7 pounds a month!
I need to focus on doing this!
Weight: 281
Height: 65
Biceps: 16
Waist: 54
Hip 57.5
Thigh: 33
Chest: 64
Calf: 18

Calories: need to burn 300-500 per session, 2000-2500 each week to make a difference.

I have only done ActivTrax twice so far. But I really like it! I will focus on drinking more water and going back to the gym more.

Staying off the scale!

So I took a month off the scale and I surely did not miss it!
I went on the scale today and weighed 281.6 a month ago it was 281.8 so I lost .2 better than gaining! 
I'm getting a scale of my own tomorrow from Walmart.
I'm supposed to be getting my period this next week or so.
I haven't figured out how often I want to weigh in.
I need to get into the gym soon, I'm hoping when Daniel is working thats when I will be at the gym. Still going to drink more water. And we have plenty of salad to eat the next couple to few weeks. Guess I will look at toppings for my salads for work lunches.
Just hoping I can lose the weight.
Taking it one day at a time!


September 5, 2012

Breakfast: I had a toasted bagel thin cinnamon raisin with butter and shared half of it with bj. coffee had about 4 cups or so with half and half. I also went to starbucks and got a skinny vanilla latte.
Snack: I had a small green apple.
Lunch: I had spicy tuna sushi and salmon tempura sushi it was quite delicious with a green salad and an egg roll.
For dinner were supposed to go to Olive Garden.
Dinner was delicious!
I ordered water to drink, and I ordered salad with dressing on the side.
We also ordered an appetizer: Fried ravioli, fried zucchini, and calamari
First pasta was linguine with a five cheese marinara sauce, 2nd was linguine with a 3 meat sauce, and finally the alfredo. I didn't finish the first plate nor the 2nd or the 3rd. and had 1 1/2 breadsticks!
I was completely stuffed!
We than went grocery shopping at Kroger and Wal-mart. We did pretty good!
Got home and tried Marty's version of alfredo sauce it was good and had a milkshake that was delicious!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 1st, 2012- June 7th, 2012

June 1st was not my best day weighing in at 277 wasn't happy.
I went for a swim about 30mins and did half a mile. Than did the aerobics class for an hour.
I felt better afterwards. Went home and cooked some eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Lunch I met dad at the greek festival and got the pork on a skewer, rice, beans and side salad. I did not eat all of the food but enough to make me full.
Dinner we did not have greek food we had chinese it had been raining so bad, I stayed in.
Reogranized my drawers and went to bed early.
Saturday back to work. breakfast was eggs, bacon, greek yogurt and pumpkin granola.
Lunch I packed my own lunch an arnold sandwich thin, cantalope, cucumbers and grapes.
Dinner we had homemade spaghetti Daniel had made and went to the races that night and snacked on pretzels, peanuts and twizzlers. We had been drinking too.
Sunday went to breakfast with Mom, Kathryn and Marty to cracker barrel. Ordered the sunrise platter with egg beatersw/cheese, turkey sausage, hashbrown casserole, and fried apples.
Lunch had some spaghetti. I started on the mac and cheese, made a vanilla pound cake.
And for dinner we had greek french toast, eggs and bacon.
Monday bad morning for breakfast. I went to starbucks and got there bacon and gouda sandwich with a light skinny carmel macchiato.
lunch I made an arnold sandwich with some fruits and veggies.
Dinner: was at the gym for the Lose to Win celebration and had half of a 6 inch subway sub with chips and salsa, pretzels, marshmallow fluff and a large side salad.
I had a large banana afterwards
Tuesday Breakfast I had my leftovers from cracker barrel on sunday. egg beaters, bacon, turkey sausage and biscuit yum!
Lunch I had some spaghetti that I measured! bell peppers with some cream cheese and 1 slice of garlic bread.
Dinner was at him moms we cooked steaks, mac and cheese, corn on the cob and a side salad I had two beers that night :( and pound cake for dessert with strawberries and whipped cream.
Got home and counted moms coins and snacked on some chips and dip I was bad today!
Breakfast went to mcdonalds for coffee because I honestly didn't want to make my own. Got the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit combo and I didn't like the biscuit so I gave it to bj and ate the hashbrown. Got to work and someone brought in donuts! I had one with coffee of course! And I really wanted another one but told myself I didn't need it. and I didn't.
Lunch I had half of a sub with a side sald and a small slice of pepperoni pizza.
I ate way to much! I was over stuffed
So I left work early to get my haircut done. I got done around 6:30 went home fed mom and made myself some eggs,bacon and a very small serving of mac and cheese
I took a bath, and baked brownies.
Breakfast I had a slice of pound cake with coffee and some fruit grapes and cantaloupe.
Lunch: I had the other half of my sub with a side salad and cucumbers in balsamic vinegar.
Dinner: Marty cooked dinner we had grilled pork chops, steaks, mac and cheese, salad and french fries it was really good!
Stayed home and went for a walk/jog with bj and daniel that night which was really fun!
Morning slept in till 8 am
Missed my appt with Michael
Went in and weighed in and lost 1.8 lbs! I was happy with that!
After coffee and snuggling with BJ I got up and cleaned around the house.
Breakfast: I had eggs and bacon
Lunch: I had sushi with Marty and Stephanie
Dinner: Olive Garden with Dannelle and Jordon
I did walk BJ for a nice walk today 42 minutes. Wore him out! Cleaned moms and dad bathroom
Cleaned downstairs bathroom. did some dusting. washed the towels.
It was a good day off!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 2, 2012

woke up around 6am refreshed from a good nights rest though it was completely different without Daniel.
Made coffee and had my breakfast which was eggs, bacon, greek yogurt and pumpkin granola a good protein breakfast. Lunch I had a sandwich made with white bread :( had cucumbers, carrots, cantalope, red pepper and grapes with some greek style hummus it was yummy! and starbucks caramel frappuccino but I'm still hungry!
Calorie intake for the day:1151

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1, 2012

My Day:
Calorie intake 2552-908 (from swimming)=1544
Woke up early to go to the gym
Got there and had a disappointing last weigh-in gained 5 pounds!
Not happy wtih this result.
So I went swimming for 30 minutes and got half a mile in than I did Deep Water Aerobics for an hour, it was a great work out and it definitely reminded me of when I first started and I would go home and have hardboiled eggs. So when I got home I boiled some eggs and baked some bacon in the oven. Had that with coffee than I went grocery shopping at Food Lion than greek festival with Dad that was nice.
Went to kroger than save a lot to get a few more things than headed home and cooked the corn on the cob. Chopped up the cantalope and grapes. Had some of my leftovers from lunch and chinese for dinner. Organized my dresser drawers filed some paperwork overall it was a good friday just wish I had not gained in my last weigh in of lose to win.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gained 10 pounds in the past few months

I've reviewed my last month on
And my calorie intake was through the roof I couldn't believe I had consumed so much! No wondering I haven't been able to lose anything!
So Wednesday I weighed in 277! ten pounds heavier! I was shocked and completely disappointed in myself!
Now Wednesday I had planned on going to the gym that evening. but I had to go home first and make dinner and brought Daniel home with me. So I cooked dinnner and chilled out for a bit, than took Daniel with me to get some things from his place to stay the night. We decided to go to Sweet Frog and I got some frozen yogurt chocolate, and cake batter with fruit, walnuts, sprinkles it was delicious!
I had 2079 calories for that day which is over my limit.
Thursday- I woke up in a good mood and got to work on time.
I wasn't too bad this day I made my own breakfast I made some eggs with bacon and arnold sandwich thin.
Lunch I had prepared a salad for that day. but we were ordering chinese for lunch and I was really craving sushi. So I got california roll and spicy tuna, rather than getting tempura which is fried I got california roll which is lighter in calories!
Home we had veggie burgers in pita pockets.
Went to the gym and completed the bike challenge in 46:18 8.38 miles it was tough!
Than it was Lose to Win!
I felt beat down and I went in for my weigh in afterwards and pretty much maintained @276 so I don't know whats going on.
I felt weak afterwards and really hungry! but I did not back down and pick up any fast food!
I got to Daniels and ate some food and went to bed afterwards!
My calorie intake was 968 that day!
Friday morning
woke up around 6:38 with a bad migraine!
Went to dunkin donuts and got some coffee and donuts but didn't even eat one but maybe half of one.
Went to take a shower and went to sleep woke up feeling nauseous and vomitted in the toilet.
I than tried to eat some graham crackers and couldn't keep those down either.
So I slept for a couple of hours and felt a little bit better
Mom came home and brought home an eclair she said try it you might be able to keep it down and just like clock work couldn't keep that down either or the water I tried to drink either.
so I rested a bit more and threw upa little bit more
Than dinner came and I tried to eat again I had a hot dog with ff and some sugar free pudding. it was delicious and I actually kept that down.
My calorie intake was 688 for that yesterday!
Hopefully I've lost some in the past couple of days

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Month Review April 1st- May 9th

Well I've review my last month on Sparkpeople to try and figure out why I was gaining instead of losing weight.
Calories range: 979-2808 I realized I was consuming more calories, and not working out hard enough to lose it. I wanted to keep my range around 1500 each day and I have not accomplished that at all in this last month.
Fat range:36-161 I'm not to worried about this, not just yet.
Carbohydrates range: 104-329 I am definitely worried about this area too much carbs
Protein range: Good
Calcium: Too Low
Cholesterol: Too Much
Fatty Acids: Too Much
Fiber: Too Low
Iron: Too Low
Sodium: Too high
Vitamin D: Too Low
So I def can see why I gained 10 pounds in the past couple of months. I'm hoping I can change this!
With the calorie range around 1500-1700 normal 1800-1900 on a bad day.
Fat range: pretty steady
Carbohydrates I would like to keep around 60-150 per day.
Protein: I don't have a problem with.
Calcium: I definitely should pump up so I'm going to make some chocolate pudding tonight to bring to work and try to have more yogurt, milk and cheese.
Cholesterol: I need to watch this one and this could be because of the eggs I've been eating.
Fatty Acids: Be on the look out especially for fast food.
Fiber: Work on this maybe for breakfast have a high fiber cereal.
Iron: More meats and veggies.
Sodium def comes from fast food and chinese
Just need to keep an eye on what I'm eating and maybe going back to the beginning.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time for a Change!

Its time for a change!
I have been in this plateau for too long, for me to settle for it.
I've also been in a weird funk as well.
Usually I cook my own breakfast and lunch but for some reason I didn't feel like doing any of it. I want to pick up breakfast on my way to work or go out for lunch. Something I haven't done since I first started losing weight. For the past couple of days now I have cooked or prepared my own meals, yes I did go to Dairy Queen last night and got a small turtle pecan blizzard. Trying to get better and not want to go out and eat all the time. Will see if this changes my scale weight at all. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow. Hoping to revamp my lifestyle. Also hoping the stress I've been dealing with goes away and maybe that will help me get out of my plateau. I've come to far to just quit on it. Going to the movies tonight and I bought some sugar free candies and light popcorn instead of buying stuff at the movie theatre :) Little Changes, make Big Differences!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done before." The first time I heard this was in a Weight Watchers Meeting back in 2005 and I still apply it to my life. I've been doing Lose 2 Win for about 5 weeks now. I have accomplished the first two challenges: (1) One Mile Challenge completing it 29 secs faster than the last L2W. (2) Elliptical Challenge accomplished 300 more strides than last time. Overall I can feel my legs getting stronger and I already can tell I'm walking faster. Last friday I took BJ for a long walk at Sandy Bottom for 3 miles. Than Sunday was my race for Love Thy Neighbor. It was pooring down rain that day. Saw 5 accidents on the way and I was praying I hope I don't get in an accident. I got to the Boardwalk where the race was, picked up my packet where my shirt was in. Had myself a banana. Walkers had there own side opposite of the runners. I synced myself thinking jogging first would help but it only made me come in last place. I finished the race in 30 minutes. walking in the rain was not the funniest thing I've ever done to say the very least. Def not the race I was wanting, but we can't always get what we want.
Monday- my least favorite day as I'm sure it is for everyone else too. But I woke up early and wanted to go to the Gym! Well I had to do a challenge that was due that day but I could have just put it off for later. Tuesday was Lose to Win night it was good but I was so cranky from the Cabbage Soup diet that I wasn't happy at all. I'm really just trying to break my plateau on this cabbage soup diet, thats all. but what I dislike from this diet is the limited I had like 616 calories for the day. I normally have 1500.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vacation and Weight Loss

Mini Vacation between april 6-10th
Its hard enough to try and lose weight on your own. Its another thing to try and not gain while your on vacation. Nags Head was the location the objective was to have a good time, and we had a blast! We ate some of the best food we could have ever imagined from fresh seafood, the best hush puppies in town, sweet potato biscuits, french toast and some of the best coffee I've ever had. And it just wasn't about the food but the experience, the environment. Being around some of the most funniest people and eating some good food it really doesn't get much better than that! And I'm going to admit it I loved it, relaxing and eating some great stuff. Though it wasn't a good choice and sure I regret some of it now. I know I will work it off and I won't be eating like that for a good while. We did a bit of walking on the beach and at the North Carolina Equarium. So moving on...I came back Saturday night and I knew the next day I would be walking the Noland Trail with my girls from Lose to Win. 2 hours of hiking/walking the noland trail in such beautiful weather was perfect on a Sunday! Afterwards I had saw one of my girls I had just walked post on her facebook that she did 30 mins of strength training after our walk. That had inspired me and so I did 25 mins of strength training! my legs hurt afterwards but I know it was worth it! I than decided that any exercises I do in our Lose to Win program that I have issues with I would work on at home. I love walking in this beautiful weather were having where its not to humid or too hot.
I have also realized that I must accept the things I can't change, and have courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. I really want to lose another 40 pounds by August 7th and the more pressure I put on myself the more I see that goal not happening so I'm going to try and relax and know that all my hard work will pay off in the end!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

First Week of Lose to Win

Lose to Win has officially started on March 26th!
Monday was the introduction to the program and weigh-in. After the weigh-in I did the elliptical trainer for 35 minutes and stretched afterwards.
Tuesday night 7:15-8pm
I had all this energy for L2W. ready to do our laps walking, walking faster, jogging to running. I really enjoyed running with my girls Michelle & Stephanie and happy to be around them again :)
Now in each L2W we meet it revolves around circuit training. doing cardio, some strength training.
Kettle bells, resistance bands, planks, exercise balls, running, jumping, push-ups, walking, lunges and squats.
It was a great first night felt like the girls and I were the cheerleaders of the class! I just had a feeling the next ten weeks would be great and couldn't wait to get started.
Thursday night 8-9pm
Was a little different we still did our warm up but we had nothing to workout with. No kettle bells, no resistance bands, no weights. We relied more on our own bodies to use. It was a bit more of a challenge and we sure did get our sweat on! We did alot of leg work push ups, planks, crunches. It was little different and I think we all enjoyed that. My left knee was aggravated a little bit but it seems to have subsided. Will need to start up swimming again.
Friday 12:15-1pm was in a different room so that was nice to getaway from the gymnasium and actually here Michael (our personal trainer) speak! Sharing the gymnasium with the basketball players can get a bit loud and hard to hear. So we worked on the BOSU.

It was something different of course never worked with something like this before! We worked on this and resistance bands. It was really cool when we teamed up and did squats on the bosu. We also did bicep and tricep curls with a long rod weight, to achieve more resistance we added our resistance bands.
Overall this week was pretty awesome and excited what the next 9 weeks will bring. I have been asked to inlcude some recipes in my blog. I will start doing that next week. Happy blogging :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Today is my first day of my new blog. I am very excited about this new journey I am on :) It will almost be a year that I have fully started my weight loss journey and have successfully lost 60 pounds. It took great strive, determination, motivation and my support group. It wasn't easy in the beginning it took my left knee to pop out during a dance session on my Wii, to get me to realize I really needed to lose weight. I started off slow taking a few swimming classes during the week than gradually changing my diet. I cut back on fast food places, diet coke and portion sizes. After about 2 months of swimming classes I tried the elliptical, treadmill, bike, walking, jogging and running. It was extremely hard and of course there were times I wanted to quit. But throughout my experience I have learned I have a lot more energy now than before (I can run up the stairs and not lose breathe). I dont have to eat as much to stay full, going out to eat isn't so bad when I can have a salad instead of something fried. I have fallen in love with preparing my own foods, making my own salad dressings, and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I love the outdoors and I can feel my body changing everyday. The scale and I have our moments but just like every relationship it has its ups and downs.
I have done my first year blog and will continue that one till the 9th of April for completion.
I wanted to start a new blog to invite others to be more involed in my weight loss journey. I have now started my second Lose to Win program at the YMCA it is for 10 weeks with a personal trainer and a couple girlfriends of mine. I am excited to see the results hopefully get a couple inches off and maybe a couple pounds off as well. Tonight was our first meeting, it was good. I than went to do 35 mins on the elliptical and burned 353 calories and completed over 3750 strides. Been pretty good today as far as calories: 1223
This is me New Years Eve 2011 I was 50 pounds lighter than

 Tonights results from workout!

Well I hope you have enjoyed my first post of Rhiannon's New Weight Loss Journey! & hopefully you will be interested in how I'm progressing in the future as am I!