Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Today is my first day of my new blog. I am very excited about this new journey I am on :) It will almost be a year that I have fully started my weight loss journey and have successfully lost 60 pounds. It took great strive, determination, motivation and my support group. It wasn't easy in the beginning it took my left knee to pop out during a dance session on my Wii, to get me to realize I really needed to lose weight. I started off slow taking a few swimming classes during the week than gradually changing my diet. I cut back on fast food places, diet coke and portion sizes. After about 2 months of swimming classes I tried the elliptical, treadmill, bike, walking, jogging and running. It was extremely hard and of course there were times I wanted to quit. But throughout my experience I have learned I have a lot more energy now than before (I can run up the stairs and not lose breathe). I dont have to eat as much to stay full, going out to eat isn't so bad when I can have a salad instead of something fried. I have fallen in love with preparing my own foods, making my own salad dressings, and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I love the outdoors and I can feel my body changing everyday. The scale and I have our moments but just like every relationship it has its ups and downs.
I have done my first year blog and will continue that one till the 9th of April for completion.
I wanted to start a new blog to invite others to be more involed in my weight loss journey. I have now started my second Lose to Win program at the YMCA it is for 10 weeks with a personal trainer and a couple girlfriends of mine. I am excited to see the results hopefully get a couple inches off and maybe a couple pounds off as well. Tonight was our first meeting, it was good. I than went to do 35 mins on the elliptical and burned 353 calories and completed over 3750 strides. Been pretty good today as far as calories: 1223
This is me New Years Eve 2011 I was 50 pounds lighter than

 Tonights results from workout!

Well I hope you have enjoyed my first post of Rhiannon's New Weight Loss Journey! & hopefully you will be interested in how I'm progressing in the future as am I!

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