Thursday, September 6, 2012

Staying off the scale!

So I took a month off the scale and I surely did not miss it!
I went on the scale today and weighed 281.6 a month ago it was 281.8 so I lost .2 better than gaining! 
I'm getting a scale of my own tomorrow from Walmart.
I'm supposed to be getting my period this next week or so.
I haven't figured out how often I want to weigh in.
I need to get into the gym soon, I'm hoping when Daniel is working thats when I will be at the gym. Still going to drink more water. And we have plenty of salad to eat the next couple to few weeks. Guess I will look at toppings for my salads for work lunches.
Just hoping I can lose the weight.
Taking it one day at a time!


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