Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done before." The first time I heard this was in a Weight Watchers Meeting back in 2005 and I still apply it to my life. I've been doing Lose 2 Win for about 5 weeks now. I have accomplished the first two challenges: (1) One Mile Challenge completing it 29 secs faster than the last L2W. (2) Elliptical Challenge accomplished 300 more strides than last time. Overall I can feel my legs getting stronger and I already can tell I'm walking faster. Last friday I took BJ for a long walk at Sandy Bottom for 3 miles. Than Sunday was my race for Love Thy Neighbor. It was pooring down rain that day. Saw 5 accidents on the way and I was praying I hope I don't get in an accident. I got to the Boardwalk where the race was, picked up my packet where my shirt was in. Had myself a banana. Walkers had there own side opposite of the runners. I synced myself thinking jogging first would help but it only made me come in last place. I finished the race in 30 minutes. walking in the rain was not the funniest thing I've ever done to say the very least. Def not the race I was wanting, but we can't always get what we want.
Monday- my least favorite day as I'm sure it is for everyone else too. But I woke up early and wanted to go to the Gym! Well I had to do a challenge that was due that day but I could have just put it off for later. Tuesday was Lose to Win night it was good but I was so cranky from the Cabbage Soup diet that I wasn't happy at all. I'm really just trying to break my plateau on this cabbage soup diet, thats all. but what I dislike from this diet is the limited I had like 616 calories for the day. I normally have 1500.

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