Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1, 2012

My Day:
Calorie intake 2552-908 (from swimming)=1544
Woke up early to go to the gym
Got there and had a disappointing last weigh-in gained 5 pounds!
Not happy wtih this result.
So I went swimming for 30 minutes and got half a mile in than I did Deep Water Aerobics for an hour, it was a great work out and it definitely reminded me of when I first started and I would go home and have hardboiled eggs. So when I got home I boiled some eggs and baked some bacon in the oven. Had that with coffee than I went grocery shopping at Food Lion than greek festival with Dad that was nice.
Went to kroger than save a lot to get a few more things than headed home and cooked the corn on the cob. Chopped up the cantalope and grapes. Had some of my leftovers from lunch and chinese for dinner. Organized my dresser drawers filed some paperwork overall it was a good friday just wish I had not gained in my last weigh in of lose to win.

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