Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday November 28, 2012

Got Dunkin Donuts for work. had a coffee and a donut.
Lunch I had leftovers side salad with alfredo.
Got home got ready for the hockey game.
Ate a appetizer at Buffalo Wild Wings
Got a pretzel at the game.
Went to mcdonalds afterwards and got some food.
spicy chicken sandwich didnt eat the bread or the fries I got. And split the three cookies I had with Daniel and Marty.
Went to bed.

Tuesday November 27, 2012

Monday Morning:
Breakfast I had Dunkin Donuts smoked sausage sandwich
Lunch I had shepards pie I made the night before
Got home and Daniel cooked us dinner burgers with sweet potato fries
Watched Arthur Christmas Horrible!
Made alfredo for daniels work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday November 26, 2012

Monday Morning
Breakfast I had a small amount of homemade stuffing with two over easy eggs, ate the eggs and some of the stuffing. Got a large coffee from mcdonalds.
Got to work and had a small snack multi-grain english muffin and pumpkin spice butter.
For lunch I had my leftover collard greens and baked wings.
Snack Layne had given me his crawfish from popeyes which were really good!
Left work picked up mom, went home and made a shepards pie out of the leftover turkey and mashed potatoes. It turned out really good. I was going to go to the gym, but instead I needed to clean the downstairs bathroom, vacuum, my stairs, start a thing of laundry. Ate dinner and shopped online a little bit.
Went to bed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday November 25, 2012

Weigh-in 281.6 I gained 2.4 over two weeks it was thanksgiving! I always gain around that holiday!
Breakfast: I had wawa veggie burrito. so good with pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin spice latte!
Afterwards I decided to clean deep clean and replace the outlet covers
I vacuumed and dusted fixed the bed
Went grocery shopping
Made buffalo chicken dip,
baked wings and french fries yum!
And had myself a small slice of pumpkin pie :)

Saturday November 24, 2012

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone once again.
I prepared for it. As far as making sure we had everything we needed to make the feast.
I also tried to get in some walking done.
I did on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. But I wasn't feeling well the last couple of days. Been having gas problems. so I did not take BJ on thursday or yesterday
Thanksgiving was nice we ate some good food, and the turkey turned out well. And all the sides were good except the brussels and corn pudding all well!
We ate good than played uno for hours while watching football!
It was a great time and Daniel even came home early!
We all played uno and had a good time!
Than we went out shopping for black friday
That was a complete bust we only got stuff from moviestop! Than I went shopping online at Kohls got that stuff and went to bed.
Still wasn't feeling well.
Friday I woke up feeling a little bit better.
Slept most of the night
Marty went out and got us all breakfast, sonic burritos
So I had coffee and a burrito I know I'm totally being bad!
Than I went out shopping with mom to big lots, cvs, haynes, five below and panera for lunch. Where I had mac and cheese with a chicken caesar salad which was bad again.
I got home and decided to wrap the kids gifts and make there fleece blankets which turned out really well!
Had some dinner and finished up my stuff.
Went to bed
Woke up around 6:30 am
Went shopping at walmart for work.
Met Naysim for coffee at Starbucks
Got a skinny peppermint mocha and had myself a 100 calorie english muffin with some pumpkin spice butter.
For breakfast I had a multi-grain english muffin with pumpkin spice butter.
For Lunch I had leftovers of thanksgiving stuffing, mashed potatoes and some carrot souffle
I got off work picked up the kids took them to mcdonalds and got them dinner. Went to kohls and got them a couple of items.
Later I got home and I still wasn't feel well.
I ate a pizza and went to bed!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tuesday November 13, 2012

woke up around 6:30 took a shower had a cup of coffee.
Took bj to petsmart hoping and praying he does well there!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday November 12, 2012

Monday Morning
Weigh-in 279.2!
And I thought I was going to gain
Breakfast: Crueller with pumpkin spice coffee!! yum
Snack I had a string cheese and some nuts
Lunch: Kielbasa and rice a roni that Daniel had made for me. with a side salad that had cranberries and almonds on it with a raspberry vinagrette. sugar free jello
Snack: mcdonalds 4 piece mcnugget
Got home for dinner we had a quesdilla with chips and salsa
I got our sheets in the wash and my mini fridge outside to defrost
Decorated the house and put all the boxes away
Steelers won! so it was a good night!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday November 11, 2012

Sunday Morning
Did not sleep well all night.
Cried most of the night and was up from like 6 am
Daniel and I talked he didn't sleep at all during the night
Just a bad night
Breakfast didn't happen till noon
I had leftovers of cracker barrel french toast with eggs had plenty of coffee
Brought in all the christmas decorations.
Marty made me and himself some lunch pizza
Worked some more on the decorations
I laid down once more around 3 for an hour. Finally woke me up.
I looked at the ads with some cereal.
Daniel came home we talked for a little bit.
I watched my movie the other woman which wasn't bad
Made some dinner. Cooked chorizo with stewed tomatoes and some alfredo sauce and tossed all that with some spaghetti it was yummy!
Snacked on some sushi later
Went to bed!

Saturday November 10, 2012

Morning I had coffee with almond joy cream it was really good!
Went grocery shopping at walmart for work
Got to work and didn't get hungry till about 10am had part of a martins roll with butter
For lunch I had leftovers of homemade alfredo with pasta and some shrimp.
I fear tomorrow when I weigh in that its going to be horrible I went out last saturday and sunday
Monday I did okay
Tuesday I went out that morning and night because of the election wait
Wednesday I went out to Arbys for lunch!
Thursday I went to Taco Bell for dinner with daniel.
Friday I went to panera bread with mom for lunch.
Just a bad week! I fear I will gain. My period was tough this month!
Dinner was at the Toby Keith Restaurant had the buffalo chicken sandwich w/french fries. Had a couple of beers with Joshua. Than went to Luckies and PBR. It was okay till I got home. Daniel was packing all of his stuff and was leaving We got in a huge fight and he ended up staying the night.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday November 9, 2012

Friday Morning
Coffee from Mcdonalds and a banana
Took mom to her doctors appt that went well
For lunch we had panera I got the tomato soup because I haven't had it in years!!!!
And half of a turkey cranberry panini.
After that I worked on the laundry, cleaned the downstairs bathroom and took bj for a walk
After that Daniel and I went to the dollar tree and kroger. Got stuff to make for dinner homemade alfredo
And got the rest of the stuff for Rosa's birthday
Got home and made dinner
Than later ran out shopping
Got the kids there fleece fabric to make them blankets.
ABC store for pumpkin pie flavored vodka
Got Kathryn a birthday present
Went home, took a shower and went to bed!

Thursday November 8, 2012

Thursday Morning
Coffee with a crueller and for a snack string cheese
Lunch I had brought a side salad with almonds and cranberries and a homemade blue cheese dressing with some white rice and hamburger stew over it.
Dinner Daniel and I ended up going to Taco Bell I got the chalupa and crunchy taco. it was alright nothing grand.
Went home and relaxed.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday November 7, 2012

Breakfast I had a fiber one caramel bar with coffee
And string cheese for a snack.
Lunch I had Arbys Beef and Cheddar Sandwich with a small curly fries.
Snack I don't think I had anything
Dinner I had a toasted english muffin, two eggs, bacon, cheese and sausage gravy.
Ate that than headed to the gym for a cooking demo that never happened which I had expected already.
I went on the treadmill and did one mile in 16:52 I wasn't too happy with that time. So I took a break and did it again and I completed one mile in 16:00 which shredded 52 seconds off! I think my attempt with the christmas town dash is to walk the first ten miles and than run and walk every other minute.
I than signed up for a cooking demo for friday at 7. Will see how that goes.
I got home and had a little bite to eat, took a bath and headed to bed!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday November 6, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Breakfast I had chickfila bacon egg cheese biscuit with hash browns. And coffee.
Snack I don't think I really had anything
For lunch I had some white rice with some black bean stew.
No snack
Went to the polls to vote after work and waited close to 2 hours.
Got home and ate some wendys
Watch tv most of the night

Monday November 5, 2012

Monday Morning
Breakfast Coffee and a Chewy Bar
Lunch I had vegetable soup with some ritz crackers.
Snack I think I had some chex mix
Dinner came home to a sausage dinner mom had made it was yummy
did not get to work out that night
instead I cleaned up the kitchen.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday November 4, 2012

Morning: Woke up and had a slice of cinnamon raisin pumpkin spice bread toasted with pumpkin butter.
Put together my dad's pot roast
Lunch I ate late was around 2 and I had pizza
I worked on my storage room for the afternoon
Was a little depressed in the morning Me and Daniel just haven't gotten along lately.
So I figure if I work on stuff it would get my mind off of it.
And it did till he got home, we worked together and went to dinner.
We went to five below first for the kids
Than to Olive Garden for dinner which was good
Than to Walmart for a hoodie he wanted.
Got home
Chilled out and went to bed

Saturday November 3, 2012

Morning Breakfast: Eggs, bacon and a crueller with coffee.
Lunch I brought some leftovers of vegetable soup.
Dinner: I went out with Joshua to Plaza and ordered the Enchilada Chiptole with a jumbo frozen margarita. It was delicious!
Got home watched a movie
Ate a whoopie pie and fell asleep

Friday November 2, 2012

Had some coffee, banana and an apple for breakfast.
Got to work later on after shopping for work.
Getting the stuff for the weekend, and such.
For lunch I had Mcdonalds Quarter pounder with cheese and french fries.
I worked till about 3 that day.
Got home and cooked up a big batch of vegetable soup
Finished the laundry
and cleaned up the kitchen for the holidays
I had the soup for dinner and it was really good.

November 1, 2012

Thursday November 1st!
Breakfast I had a nature valley protein bar yum!
Took my meds
Snack: chex mix
Lunch I packed some leftovers of hot wings and salad had a little bit of ham and a dinner roll.
I left work not feeling well, So I got home and laid down watched a movie and I really cannot remember the last time I did that.
So after that I went out for dinner and got some fried rice and lo mein. It was okay but nothing great. Really wish there were good chinese restaurants around here.
Worked on the bike for 30 minutes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wednesday October 31, 2012

Went to the doctors office was not feeling well have a UTI
For breakfast I had a kind bar it was good
Lunch we had a pot luck so much food and so good!
Had everything from ham to a broccoli salad 'So much!
Met mom at Cracker Barrel for dinner I wasn't even hungry but I still ate
So I ordered the grilled spicy fish with a baked potato, fried okra and green beans
it was delicious
Got my hair done and it looks great!
Went to see Daniel
Got home and chilled
Cooked him some dinner, and a little snack for me
Went to bed!

Tuesday October 30, 2012

Morning for breakfast I had mcdonalds chicken biscuit, minus the biscuit and hashbrowns.
Snacked on some nuts.
Lunch probably just crackers and tuna salad.
Went to mcdonalds and got a happy meal mcnuggets
Dinner we had chicken noodle soup since I was not feeling well.
I baked a cake and made some cheese dip
Did the bike for 30 minutes
Went to bed.