Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday October 29, 2012

No power, off to 7-11 for coffee!
Got coffee and took mom to work, than breakfast with dad at ihop.
Breakfast: I had 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 pancakes with sugar free syrup and hashbrowns.
Went shopping at walmart, kmart and kroger.
Got home and still had a peeing problem.
Freaking out thinking its diabetes!
Lunch I had some spring mix lettuce, 1/4 cup of homemade tuna salad and some blue cheese dressing.
Snacked on some shrimp with cocktail sauce,
Dinner I made some eggs scrambled with a hotdog and had some grapes
I went to see Daniel that night
Had a small slice of supreme pizza.
Home and fell asleep I did not have much of a problem with peeing during the night like I am now

Sunday October 28, 2012

Breakfast I had made some pumpkin pancakes. with sugar free syrup with some scrambled eggs and sausage.
Lunch I had a salad with some berries and a honey mustard dressing
For dinner I had cooked some crescent mummy dogs
Had a couple drumsticks, side salad some hot wings and homemade dips
That night I went to the bathroom alot and alot yesterday, more than normal. I think I might have a UTI

Saturday October 27, 2012

Gosh I woke up looking like death!
And I woke up hungry as shit
So I straightened my hair had a cup of coffee
Went to wendys and got myself a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit.
Lunch I had a side salad with a bbq sandwich very little coleslaw and baked beans.
Snacked later on some more bbq and baked beans in a small cup.
Got home and for dinner I had some chicken, rice and beans from the greek festival.
Stayed home because the hurricane was coming I watched halloween movies with Joshua.
snacked on some popcorn and a homemade chocolate chip cookie my mom had made.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

Slept till about 8
Woke up in a great way ;)
Had coffee and a crueller.
Went to sams and walmart and got the grocery shopping done
Got hungry so I went to walmart and had some pumpkin pancakes with two eggs, two slices of bacon and hash browns they were delicious
Got home and unpacked my car
Went back out so I could pay my kohls and lanebryant credit card
Got back home and made my crescent mummy dogs!
They were a hit!
Dinner I had been cooking a pot roast all day in a crockpot, we ate that with rice, butternut squash, gravy.
Went to the halloween party and had some beer with food
And I wore my old capris haven't wore them in years! felt good!

Thursday October 25, 2012

I had coffee and a crueller
Stopped by mcdonalds and got a medium coffee with a breakfast sausage burrito.
Lunch I had special k protein plus cereal with skim milk and cranberries. yum!
Little debbie fall cake had one part of it.
Snack I had a hot dog half bun
Dinner mom made rice, chicken and green beans.
I cleaned tonight
Washed the sheets, did a couple loads of laundry, vacuumed the stairs and floor.
Did a few things
Daniel and I got in a fight
Bad night.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday October 24, 2012

I had the new special K protein plus cereal 1 cup with 3/4 cup of whole milk.
Lunch I had some left over spicy california roll side salad a couple chicken nuggets.
Dinner was eggs, bacon, french toast with sugar free syrup
Gym for an exercise lecture
spoke about cardio and strength training
how you could do 10 mins of cardo and 10 mins of strength training and just alternate and doing something different each time. Change up the workout so your muscles do not get bored.
Try a different class.
Do what is best for you, no one else should matter.
After the lecture I went to the pool and swam for about 30 minutes. Just laps back and forth it was a good workout def missed it
got home and was just craving food

Tuesday Ocotber 23, 2012

Breakfast I made eggs and bacon with coffee this morning
Got pumpkin spice latte 2 pumps in it instead of 4
Lunch I had salad, nuggets and some unos pizza
Dinner I had some vegetable pasta with cream of spinach.
I met with Joshua later and had a skinny vanilla latte and ho hos for dessert.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday October 22, 2012

Woke up around 7 am
Made coffee and baked some bacon.
Had coffee, bacon and eggs for breakfast
Snacked on some cheese and ritz crackers
lunch I had a side salad with carrots and apples with ranch and a bratwurst. part of a unos pizza
Snacked on nuts most of the day
Dinner was crab cakes
Walked bj for about 30 minutes
Marty bought me spicy california roll I had 4 pieces and went to bed
I also snacked on some doritos and a carrot with some juice

Sunday October 21, 2012

Morning Weigh in 281.2 lost 2.4!
Hungover is the only word to use!
Breakfast I had coffee and a krispy kreme donut!
Lunch I snacked on rice with chicken pot pie filling, cheese dip. Pancake and egg marty made me, with sugar free syrup.
I was so hungover I couldn't sleep, but I did clean quite a bit
Dinner we went to UNO'S
Had bonesless wings a blue moon beer
Individual pizza with cheese, tomato and sausage
Watched halloween wars and some more food shows
Bed aorund 930

Saturday October 20, 2012

Morning: coffee, chickfila bacon egg and cheese biscuit, fruit cup instead of hashbrowns, coffee with cream and splenda.
Lunch I had a bratwurst on a hotdog bun and a side salad.
Dinner I didn't really have dinner I skipped that because I knew I would eat enough at the party!
The halloween party was so much fun! I'm really glad I went
It is always a good time!
I had beer, shots and good food

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday October 19, 2012

Woke up around 930
Made some coffee, straightened my hair had a crueller for breakfast
Took mom to lunch, at baileys
we had cheese sticks, fish and chips with coleslaw
the fish was really good didn't really eat my french fries, but I did enjoy the coleslaw.
I than went to Goodwill and donated clothes
My car jerked for a little bit
So it broke down again
I stayed with Dannelle for a few hours that was nice
Got my car fixed by bobby that took a couple of hours
Went to walmart, got a few things
Than made alfredo for daniel
Went to bed around 10:30

Thursday October 18, 2012

Breakfast homemade pumpkin bread with coffee.
Lunch I had whataburger Ronnie treated me out
For Dinner I had rice and chicken pot pie filling
I had the SCV Meeting at 7
Got home and relaxed my knee was really aggravating me

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday October 17, 2012

Breakfast: apple, cheese, crackers, peanut butter.
Snack I had some crackers
Lunch I was supposed to have what I packed but instead I went to Wendy's and got an Asiago chicken spicy sandwich with a small french fries
Dinner was rice and chicken pot pie filling
Made some killer pumpkin bread
Worked out on the Wii sports and strength training

Tuesday October 16, 2012

Coffee time!
Mcdonalds large coffee sausage burrito and half of a hash brown \
Snack mcdonalds 4 piece mcnuggets
Lunch Side salad with almonds and beets with ranch dressing
chicken tenders
sugar free jello
dinner last night was lasagna with green beans
went to the gym for 45 mins and did cardio and strength training
ate some popcorn, sausage in bread
rough night
can't seem to get my motivation back!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday October 15, 2012

Monday Morning!
Enough said
Coffee time
Breakfast was coffee and a pure protein bar
Snack I had some cheese
Lunch I had progressive soup, half of a bavarian pretzel roll
fiber one brownie
for snack I had a nature valley protein bar it was good
Got home and we had chicken tenders, scalloped potatoes, and a vegetarian dish
Marty made homemade chocolate chip cookies I had 2
I was snacking a little bit yesterday, bored!

Sunday October 14, 2012

Mcdonalds coffee large, egg mcmuffin and hash brown
Movie Taken 2 movie popcorn
home had the rest of my linguine shrimp alfredo and a biscuit
worked on the garage for a couple of hours.
Made myself a burrito, two eggs, string cheese, ham and jalapenos it was yummy
After working on the garage I got ready for busch
Dinner we had tostinos pizza
Got to busch and walked around for a couple hours
Had a waffle cone of soft serve ice cream

October 13,2 012

Morning: Crueller with coffee, string cheese for a snack
Lunch side salad with grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, mccormick salad toppings, ranch dressing, with pork chop rice and squash
Dinner we had hamburgers and hot dogs.
Had a couple glasses of wine that night and went to bed early

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 12, 2012

Morning Coffee, eggs, bacon, english muffin with pumpkin butter and some banana slices
Laundry started, squash in the oven
Lunch Red Lobster had the all you can eat shrimp with baked potato, butter & sour cream on the side. parmesan shrimp, hand breaded shrimp, biscuit
Ordered the shrimp linguine ate a small amount.
I did eat alot of food for lunch,
Got home and had to call Bobby about parts for my car. Got 3 pieces for my car, hopefully with fingers crossed Bobby will fix my car sunday
Dinner: was pork loin roasted, squash, rice a roni broccoli au gratin.
Had some white wine two glasses, and some pineapple upside down cake.
Watched a horrible movie What to expect when your expecting
Went to bed at 9

October 11, 2012

Morning Breakfast was chickfila biscuit and hash browns
Lunch I had the vegetable chili and cornbread
For dinner we made tuna helper with carrots
Took bj for a 30 minute walk and went to the gym for about 45 mins it was a good workout! Felt challenged and energized we did weights, squats, elliptical for 10 mins.
Good Stuff!

October 10, 2012

Morning: Breakfast was total whole grain cereal with milk and banana
Lunch I had a side salad from mcdonalds, chili and cornbread
Dinner was baked fried chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese with green beans.
Bad day because of the kids.
Gym for 30 mins on the elliptical

October 9, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Coffee, total whole grain cereal, 1 cup of milk and half of a banana.
Snack: Sargento cheese
Lunch: Spaghetti squash, spaghetti sauce with parmesan cheese. A side salad with pomegranate dressing. Fiber one bar.
After work I went to Walmart to pick up things for Daniel and managed to lose his food stamps card.
After that we had chili for dinner with homemade cornbread.
Did not make it to the gym that night
Cooked chicken for the night after

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 4th- 8th, 2012

Morning: making coffee, coffecake.
First stop on the road to PA was Mcdonalds got a sausage burrito & a hash brown.
Lunch was KFC chicken breast, green beans, mac and cheese with a biscuit butter and strawberry jam.
Drove continously
Stopped to the farmers market
Got candy, avon, whoopie pies, and spices
Went to the restaurant store and got a big pastry bag.
Dinner at a Mexican Restaurant on the border
Had a margarita just one
Chips and Queso
Mini Tacos chicken with beans, guacomole, rice it was all good but stuffed!
Went more shopping afterward to walk off what we ate.
Got to Susies around 10 and chilled had two beers
Showered and went to bed long day!
Friday Morning
Coopersburg restaurant for brunch
Ordered the Gus's big breakfast
3 eggs
ham, scrapple, bacon and sausage
with wheat toast.
Went shopping with my Aunt Julie. Garden shop, farmers market, john early shop.
Got back to Susie's and got ready for the wedding.
Didn't eat till the reception at 5:30
I had veggies, fried cheese ravioli, philly cheesesteak sticks, shrimp, 5 glasses of wine, 1 roll, dinner was filet mignon, mashed potatoes and broccoli. dessert was candy and wedding cake.
Got home showered and fell asleep!
Woke up early again!
Dunkin Donuts coffee
Brunch was an egg sandwich with sausage
Went to Patties and Chucks house
We had a cookout of dips, italian dishes, sausage, salad gourmet of food that totally tore up my tummy!
It was good food
Got back to the house around 7 I think to watch a game. Snacked on some candy went to be around 9 ish
Ate alot of food that day!
Sunday woke up around 6 took a shower packed up the car
Went to Mary Anns for donuts
Sat down had a cup of coffe with two donuts
Got to Starbucks and ordered a venti pumpkin spice latte with just one pump.
Wegmans for bagels and strawberries for mom
On the road to philly for lunch had one philly cheesesteak they were delicious!!
Driving went on and I snacked on some doritos
Stopped at Sheetz for gas and a hot dog
Got my mom a hotdog and myself one
Got home around 7pm and chilled out had some pasta and spaghetti sauce
Long Ass Day!
Took a shower and fell asleep
Woke up to Daniel.
Monday Morning slept in till 10:30 Coffee
Lunch with the Bro and Dad had sushi, hibachi, little bit of green beans, steamed dumplin, marshmallow, strawberry, macaroon dipped in chocolate one puffed pastry
Than worked on my room finally! cleaned it orangized it Devil Dog
Went grocery shopping with Daniel.
Got home and had some breakfast for dinner 2 sausage links, hashbrown patty, buttermilk biscuit, eggs, spam it was yummy. Fell asleep shortly before 8 with daniel and work up to watch the jeff dunham halloween show. While eating pasta with pasta sauce. Went to bed shortly after that.

October 3, 2012

Morning: Chickfila for lunch hash browns, chicken from biscuit no biscuit. coffee
helped dad with his car, helped him get moms camboot
lunch I had subway whole wheat. buffalo chicken. pepper jack. lettuce. tomatoes. pickles. cucumbers. sweet peppers. light ranch. salt & pepper. oregano. good lunch had half of my footlong.
Dinner was taco bell and pizza
packing and bed!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 2, 2012

Tuesday Morning
Woke up to breakfast in bed
eggs, bacon and biscuits with coffee
Lunch I had KFC bad bad drumstick, thigh, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy with a biscuit.
Dinner we baked french loaf, tuna salad and sliced some tomato.
Gym for a good hour doing Lose to WIn for 45 minutes and 15 minutes on the treadmill. Completed my first challenge and weighed in gaining 1 pound. Getting my period.
Got home and snacked on some grapes, bananas and some peanut butter. Fell asleep close to 10  woke and spent some time with daniel.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 1, 2012

Monday Morning
Weigh-in 284! 5lb weight gain
Breakfast I had eggs, 1 slice of bacon, cheese and a croissant
Lunch I had a bagel sandwich, no sugar added peaches and a sugar free chocolate pudding.
Dinner I cooked tilapia, rice a roni and some vegetables
it was delicious
feeling bloaded getting my period maybe thats why I gained so much, or the simple fact we went out a lot last week.
I went grocery shopping for mom, and got some fruits, and some things for the house we needed
I went to sleep for a little bit
Got up and snacked on doritos and made a bowl of sugar free butter pecan ice cream
Bed! afterwards

September 30, 2012

Sunday Morning
Coffee and the paper
Wal-mart shopping
Car wouldn't start great
Finally it did and got it home safely
Lunch was pizza and a biscuit sorda hungry
snickers mini
half of a brownie and some milk
took a nap
and worked on the garage for a couple of hours
Dinner was a vegetarian chili, squash baked.
chicken noodle soup
chocolate ice cream bar
Now I am still tired