Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gained 10 pounds in the past few months

I've reviewed my last month on
And my calorie intake was through the roof I couldn't believe I had consumed so much! No wondering I haven't been able to lose anything!
So Wednesday I weighed in 277! ten pounds heavier! I was shocked and completely disappointed in myself!
Now Wednesday I had planned on going to the gym that evening. but I had to go home first and make dinner and brought Daniel home with me. So I cooked dinnner and chilled out for a bit, than took Daniel with me to get some things from his place to stay the night. We decided to go to Sweet Frog and I got some frozen yogurt chocolate, and cake batter with fruit, walnuts, sprinkles it was delicious!
I had 2079 calories for that day which is over my limit.
Thursday- I woke up in a good mood and got to work on time.
I wasn't too bad this day I made my own breakfast I made some eggs with bacon and arnold sandwich thin.
Lunch I had prepared a salad for that day. but we were ordering chinese for lunch and I was really craving sushi. So I got california roll and spicy tuna, rather than getting tempura which is fried I got california roll which is lighter in calories!
Home we had veggie burgers in pita pockets.
Went to the gym and completed the bike challenge in 46:18 8.38 miles it was tough!
Than it was Lose to Win!
I felt beat down and I went in for my weigh in afterwards and pretty much maintained @276 so I don't know whats going on.
I felt weak afterwards and really hungry! but I did not back down and pick up any fast food!
I got to Daniels and ate some food and went to bed afterwards!
My calorie intake was 968 that day!
Friday morning
woke up around 6:38 with a bad migraine!
Went to dunkin donuts and got some coffee and donuts but didn't even eat one but maybe half of one.
Went to take a shower and went to sleep woke up feeling nauseous and vomitted in the toilet.
I than tried to eat some graham crackers and couldn't keep those down either.
So I slept for a couple of hours and felt a little bit better
Mom came home and brought home an eclair she said try it you might be able to keep it down and just like clock work couldn't keep that down either or the water I tried to drink either.
so I rested a bit more and threw upa little bit more
Than dinner came and I tried to eat again I had a hot dog with ff and some sugar free pudding. it was delicious and I actually kept that down.
My calorie intake was 688 for that yesterday!
Hopefully I've lost some in the past couple of days

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Month Review April 1st- May 9th

Well I've review my last month on Sparkpeople to try and figure out why I was gaining instead of losing weight.
Calories range: 979-2808 I realized I was consuming more calories, and not working out hard enough to lose it. I wanted to keep my range around 1500 each day and I have not accomplished that at all in this last month.
Fat range:36-161 I'm not to worried about this, not just yet.
Carbohydrates range: 104-329 I am definitely worried about this area too much carbs
Protein range: Good
Calcium: Too Low
Cholesterol: Too Much
Fatty Acids: Too Much
Fiber: Too Low
Iron: Too Low
Sodium: Too high
Vitamin D: Too Low
So I def can see why I gained 10 pounds in the past couple of months. I'm hoping I can change this!
With the calorie range around 1500-1700 normal 1800-1900 on a bad day.
Fat range: pretty steady
Carbohydrates I would like to keep around 60-150 per day.
Protein: I don't have a problem with.
Calcium: I definitely should pump up so I'm going to make some chocolate pudding tonight to bring to work and try to have more yogurt, milk and cheese.
Cholesterol: I need to watch this one and this could be because of the eggs I've been eating.
Fatty Acids: Be on the look out especially for fast food.
Fiber: Work on this maybe for breakfast have a high fiber cereal.
Iron: More meats and veggies.
Sodium def comes from fast food and chinese
Just need to keep an eye on what I'm eating and maybe going back to the beginning.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time for a Change!

Its time for a change!
I have been in this plateau for too long, for me to settle for it.
I've also been in a weird funk as well.
Usually I cook my own breakfast and lunch but for some reason I didn't feel like doing any of it. I want to pick up breakfast on my way to work or go out for lunch. Something I haven't done since I first started losing weight. For the past couple of days now I have cooked or prepared my own meals, yes I did go to Dairy Queen last night and got a small turtle pecan blizzard. Trying to get better and not want to go out and eat all the time. Will see if this changes my scale weight at all. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow. Hoping to revamp my lifestyle. Also hoping the stress I've been dealing with goes away and maybe that will help me get out of my plateau. I've come to far to just quit on it. Going to the movies tonight and I bought some sugar free candies and light popcorn instead of buying stuff at the movie theatre :) Little Changes, make Big Differences!!!