Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done before." The first time I heard this was in a Weight Watchers Meeting back in 2005 and I still apply it to my life. I've been doing Lose 2 Win for about 5 weeks now. I have accomplished the first two challenges: (1) One Mile Challenge completing it 29 secs faster than the last L2W. (2) Elliptical Challenge accomplished 300 more strides than last time. Overall I can feel my legs getting stronger and I already can tell I'm walking faster. Last friday I took BJ for a long walk at Sandy Bottom for 3 miles. Than Sunday was my race for Love Thy Neighbor. It was pooring down rain that day. Saw 5 accidents on the way and I was praying I hope I don't get in an accident. I got to the Boardwalk where the race was, picked up my packet where my shirt was in. Had myself a banana. Walkers had there own side opposite of the runners. I synced myself thinking jogging first would help but it only made me come in last place. I finished the race in 30 minutes. walking in the rain was not the funniest thing I've ever done to say the very least. Def not the race I was wanting, but we can't always get what we want.
Monday- my least favorite day as I'm sure it is for everyone else too. But I woke up early and wanted to go to the Gym! Well I had to do a challenge that was due that day but I could have just put it off for later. Tuesday was Lose to Win night it was good but I was so cranky from the Cabbage Soup diet that I wasn't happy at all. I'm really just trying to break my plateau on this cabbage soup diet, thats all. but what I dislike from this diet is the limited I had like 616 calories for the day. I normally have 1500.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vacation and Weight Loss

Mini Vacation between april 6-10th
Its hard enough to try and lose weight on your own. Its another thing to try and not gain while your on vacation. Nags Head was the location the objective was to have a good time, and we had a blast! We ate some of the best food we could have ever imagined from fresh seafood, the best hush puppies in town, sweet potato biscuits, french toast and some of the best coffee I've ever had. And it just wasn't about the food but the experience, the environment. Being around some of the most funniest people and eating some good food it really doesn't get much better than that! And I'm going to admit it I loved it, relaxing and eating some great stuff. Though it wasn't a good choice and sure I regret some of it now. I know I will work it off and I won't be eating like that for a good while. We did a bit of walking on the beach and at the North Carolina Equarium. So moving on...I came back Saturday night and I knew the next day I would be walking the Noland Trail with my girls from Lose to Win. 2 hours of hiking/walking the noland trail in such beautiful weather was perfect on a Sunday! Afterwards I had saw one of my girls I had just walked post on her facebook that she did 30 mins of strength training after our walk. That had inspired me and so I did 25 mins of strength training! my legs hurt afterwards but I know it was worth it! I than decided that any exercises I do in our Lose to Win program that I have issues with I would work on at home. I love walking in this beautiful weather were having where its not to humid or too hot.
I have also realized that I must accept the things I can't change, and have courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. I really want to lose another 40 pounds by August 7th and the more pressure I put on myself the more I see that goal not happening so I'm going to try and relax and know that all my hard work will pay off in the end!